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My Projects
3D Modeling and Animation   *   Games   *   iOS Development   *   Other

Unity2D, Unity3D, Unreal Engine 4
Ants vs Zombies
Ants vs Zombies is a tower defense strategy game inspired by UCI culture where players must place anteater "turrets" on the 2D map to defend their base from oncoming zombie attackers. This game was made in Unity2D with original sprites.
Super Swagghosts
Super Swagghosts is an online multiplayer tag game made in Unity2D with original sprites. Players must run from the elected "Ghost" player. The Ghost wins if it manages to "Scare" all other players, and the runners win if they are able to deplete the Ghost of all health using their flashlights.
Food Fright
Food Fright is a mob style game set in a cafeteria. Players must try to survive as waves of rotten food attacks through multiple rooms/stages. This game was made in Unity2D with original sprites.

Ghost Possession Simulator
Ghost Possession Simulator is a puzzle type game where players must "possess" various creatures and objects to escape. This game was made in Unity3D with original sprites and free assets.
Platform Shooter
Platform Shooter is a multistage platform shooter made in Unity2D.

Archery is a simple archery simulator made in Unity3D where players can interact with boxes by shooting at them.

iOS Development
Swift, Figma, XCode

Tip Calcultor is a tip calculator application for iOS. The user can enter a bill amount, choose a tip percentage, split a bill and see the tip and total values. It supports Dark Mode.

Flixter is an app that allows users to browse movies from the Movie Data Base API. The user can view and scroll through a list of movies now playing in theatres.

This is a basic twitter app to view, compose, favorite, and retweet tweet using Twitter's API.

Parsetagram is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comments.

3D Modeling and Rendering
Autodesk Maya, Blender, Unity Rigging

Dominos animation made and rendered in Autodesk Maya.

Ahri model made in Autodesk Maya then imported and rigged in Unity.

Fire animation made and rendered in Blender utilizing particle effects.


Participated in a group independent research project where we studied the effects of greywater on Arabidopsis Thaliana, a drought resistant plant. My team and I ran an ELISA to find the presence of ABA and presented our abstract at the ESA Science Fair where we won the best aesthetics award.