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me About Me
B.S. in Computer Game Science
Specialization in Software Engineering
University of California Irvine 2023
Hello! I am Amanda Takahashi, 22 years old and based in Southern California. My interests beyond the relm of technology include baking, archery, and graphic design.
こんにちは!私は高橋アマンダ、22歳、南カリフォルニア在住。 テクノロジーの領域を超えた私の興味には、ベーキング、アーチェリー、グラフィック デザインなどがあります。
你好!我是Amanda Takahashi,22 岁 和我住在南加州。 我喜欢除了技术,我的兴趣还包括烘焙、射箭和平面设计。

Research and Internships
Lead Research Assistant and Project Manager
December 2019 - June 2021
Research Assistant for the Made with Play Lab primarily focused on data analysis, open coding, creating visualizations, and sentiment analysis.
Contributed to the literature review, annotated bibliography, outreach tracker, sentiment analysis, discord bot programming, and creating visualizations of data. See more about in Projects.

Independent Research
2015 - 2019
Participated in a group independent research project where we studied the effects of greywater on Arabidopsis Thaliana, a drought resistant plant. We ran an ELISA to find the presence of ABA and presented our abstract at the ESA Science Fair where we won the best aesthetics award. See more about in Projects.

Intern for the CDC
Making Virtual Reality User Friendly - User Interface Design in Virtual Environments
June 2020 - 2023
I am the lead intern working with the head programmer of this project. My role is to develop and test a generic, visual/audio user interface framework that enables individuals that are not familiar with virtual worlds or virtual reality interface devices to interact effectively with a virtual environment.

Human Subject Research with Children - SBE
Valid September 2020 - September 2025
CITI training

Human Subject Research Social/Behavioral Investigators
Valid September 2020 - September 2025
CITI training

CPR, AED, Basic First Aid
Valid June 2021 - June 2023
American Heart Association

Skills and Experience
Python, C++, C#, Swift, HTML, CSS
I have taken courses through CodePath where I learned iOS development in XCode working with Swift and Johns Hopkins CTY where I learned Web Development in HTML and CSS.

Autodesk Maya
I have taken a course through iDTech hosted at Stanford University where I was able to learn about 3D modeling and animation in Autodesk Maya. During this 1 week course, I created a 3D model and animation with various textures. Through my experience taking the course ICS 162: Modeling and World Building, I was able to create various 3D models, animations, rigging, and SFX. See more about these projects in Projects.

123D Autodesk
I have taken a course through iDTech hosted at Stanford University where I was able to learn more about 3D printing and engineering in 123D Autodesk. Through this course, I created and printed various 3D models.

Unreal Engine
I have taken a course through iDTech hosted at Stanford University where I was able to learn about virtual reality game design in Unreal Engine. During this one week course I was able to create a 3D first player shooter with self spawning AI enemies, basic level design with animations, various weapon use, and virtual reality compatibility.

Through my courses and extracurricular involvement, I have gained experience working in both 2D and 3D Unity creating games in C#. See more about these projects in Projects.

UI/UX and prototyping for website and app design. Competed in a DesignAThon at UCI. See more of my work in Projects.

archery Just For Fun
2014 - Present
Member of Team USA Archery and certified NTS Level 1 coach. I am a nationally ranked Olympic Recurve archer, and have competed in local and state tournaments, and I have competed internationally 3 consecutive years at the Vegas Shoot.

Business Owner
2015 - Present
I have a DBA for Origamiink, a graphic design company specializing in customzied designs for shoes, bags, pins, and other articles.

Extracurriculars and Organizations
General Member, Intern, and Unkie for Tomo no Kai at UCI
2019 - 2023
Tomo no Kai is a Japanese American cultural and social organization at UCI. My first year, I was a treasurer intern and participated in fundraising events and practiced leadership skills within the organization. My experiences in Tomo no Kai have been rewarding as I have been able to meet a plethora of amazing people.

Family Head for Chinese Association at UCI
2020 - 2021
Chinese Association is a social, cultural, and community service-based organization located at the University of California, Irvine. As a Fam Head, I was responsible for organizing weekly social activities. Overall, my experiences as a Family Head of Ghibli Fam were extremely rewarding. Despite the the circumstances of Covid and quarantining, I was able to create life long friendships amongst my family and create a fun and safe environment for my littles.

Mentor and General Member of WICS at UCI
2021 - 2022
WICS is a social and professional non-profit organization at UCI established to help and encourage women to pursue a college degree and a successful career in the computer science field. As a mentor, my responsibilities were to be a role model and guide for under classmen in the field of Computer Science.

Programmer and Game Designer for Video Game Design Club at UCI
2020 - 2022
Video Game Design Club is an organization for students to develop their video game production skills by working in teams to create a game in 10 weeks. I was a Programmer of the Scaffold Team in which we created a 2D platform third person shooter game in Unity, coding in C# and using a GitHub repository to collaboratively code.

General Member of the UCI Archery Club
2019 - 2020
Anteater Club Sports - Archery is a recreational and competitive club sport that competes in barebow, bowhunter, compound, and recurve divisions. I have competed in indoor state, outdoor state, and world competitions with the UCI Archery team.